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Don Paul
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'The World Is Turning: " '9/11' ", the Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World combines two earlier books by Don Paul and much other material into a single volume. This book of books, including pieces that expose 2008's bail-out of commercial and investment Banks, altogether takes us on a crucially revealing journey into realities and lies that shape our present....
KEVIN RYAN, co-editor at journal of 911 studies.com, in his Foreword to
The World Is Turning

9/11 GUILT:

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a DVD by Don Paul,
Jim Hoffman, and Celestine Star
Exposing the Core Facts
of the September 11th Attack


• Two presentations, made for theatrical release or TV broadcast, 28+ minutes each
• 256 accompanying graphics
• 40 pages of oral histories from New York City Fire-fighters, Police, and Emergency Medical Technicians.
• Total time of DVD with Special Features: 78 minutes
• Detailed menus in three levels and 60 chapters